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00001 00013 #ifndef __RT_TRIMESH__ 00014 #define __RT_TRIMESH__ 00015 00016 #include "rt_object.h" 00017 #include "rt_vectors.h" 00018 #include "rt_parse.h" 00019 00020 #include <vector> 00021 00022 class rt_TriMesh : public rt_Object 00023 { 00024 public: 00033 rt_TriMesh(rt_parse *parser, const char * objfile, int mesh_mat); 00034 private: 00035 void parse (char * line, int max, char * command, int & position); 00036 Vec3f* getVec (char * str); 00037 void getCoords(char *str, int &num, int v_index[3], int n_index[3]); 00038 vector<rt_Triangle*> triangles; 00039 }; 00040 00041 00042 #endif /* __RT_TRIMESH__ */ 00043

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