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rt_parse.h File Reference

Definitions and interface for the Scene Description Language parser. More...

#include "rt_vectors.h"
#include <vector>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  rt_parse



Detailed Description

Definitions and interface for the Scene Description Language parser.

The SDL parser is a C++ class that can convert an SDL file to internal structures for your program. It assumes specially-formatted constructors exist for the following classes:

Created by Sriram Vaidhyanathan on Thu Feb 26 2004.

Modified by Mark T. Tomczak, October 2004.

Modified by Miklos Bergou, March 2005.

15-462 Computer Graphics Spring 2004 Programming Assignment 3
Generated on Wed Mar 16 19:55:28 2005 for Graphics Project 3 by doxygen 1.3.7