<biesi> test
<biesi> anyone here? :)
<CTho> Yeah
<biesi> poor man's IRC :)
<CTho> haha :)
<CTho> poor man with a rich friend running the apache that gets pounded :)
<biesi> you need to make "enter" send the message
<CTho> yeah, not sure how to do that
<biesi> gwg
<biesi> heh
<CTho> and, how to keep the chat window scrolled to 100%
<biesi> hm, that iframe (?) doesn't scroll when new messages apepar
<biesi> add them at the top :)
<CTho> its' a div with overflow: srool
<CTho> Got scrolling :)
<ss> Yay
<ss> Good work CTho
<Jesse> hi
<Mook> interesting :)
<IRSeaMonkey> yo
<poningru> how do you do this?
<poningru> ok so it does work
<IRSeaMonkey> test
<IRSeaMonkey> asdfasdf
<IRSeaMonkey> hallvar
<hallvar> yo
<IRSeaMonkey> hmm
<test2> test
<test2> asdfasdf
<Mook> bah, it doesn't like to let me read scrollback
<IRSeaMonkey> dfsadf
<IRSeaMonkey> gah?
<poo> wtf?
<poo> hello
<IRSeaMonkey> yourName"
<IRSeaMonkey> asdasd
<Teckla> Testing 1 2 3
<IRSeaMonkey> butt
<IRSeaMonkey> ewr
<IRSeaMonkey> pipo
<IRSeaMonkey> :D
<IRSeaMonkey> jacko
<IRSeaMonkey> sdf
<IRSeaMonkey> da
<IRSeaMonkey> /me
<IRSeaMonkey> /me hi
<IRSeaMonkey> 2
<thisiscjfool> gabsab.com
<thisiscjfool> its the gabbinest place on earth
<thisiscjfool> gabsab.com
<thisiscjfool> gabsab.com
<thisiscjfool gabsab.com>
<thisiscjfool gabsab.com>
<thisiscjfool gabsab.com>
<thisiscjfool gabsab.com> asdgasdgasdg
<thisiscjfool gabsab.com>
<thisiscjfool gabsab.com>
<IRSeaMonkey> hi
<IRSeaMonkey> hi
<IRSeaMonkey> ghtg
<IRSeaMonkey> adfg
<meee> aaaaaa